Nagoya, the capital of Aichi Prefecture

Nagoya is a very underrated city in Japan than few people knows about while there are plenty of things to do !

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  • 4 places to visit in Nagoya

    4 places to visit in Nagoya

    Nagoya is not as known as Tokyo or Kyoto for foreigners, but it the city has a lot of attraction to offer ! As an important city in Japan’s history but also as a center of Japan’s industrial economy, Nagoya has a great balance between tradition and modernity. 1.Atsuta Jingu Atsuta Jingu, is the second…

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  • Enjoy Nagoya Night Life With These 3 Options 

    Enjoy Nagoya Night Life With These 3 Options 

    Nagoya is believed to be boring among locals and expats who lives in Japan but, there are so much thing to do and places to party ! 1.Izakaya in Sakae Izakaya are establishments, similar to tapas bars, where customers order a variety of small dishes of food and drinks that can be shared at the…

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  • Inuyama


    If you pictured traditional through a small town with a castle at the top of a hill, a peaceful river surrounding the city, and streets lined by dark wooden houses and old traditions, and want to get an idea of how Japan was before, Inuyama is a must. Located 30 minutes from Nagoya by train,…

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